Friday, April 16, 2010


Less than 24h to the big day!
We're pretty much ready to go.

So, in the end, that's what we're planning to do:
- With a canoe, reaching different points of the bay (near the open ocean and near to the end of the bay, and various locations in between) and collecting different samples of water.
- At the same time and same locations, using a Secchi Disk, measuring the critical depth at which the disk cannot be seen anymore.

Afterwards, we're gonna make light pass through the different samples of water and measuring the different of intensity.
Also, plugging the results given by the Secchi Disk into the equation (see link above), calculate the transparency of the water at those point, comparing these results with the ones given by the light intenisty experiment.

The bigger factor that influences transparency in the bay are algae, and with this experiment we'll be able to see how the spread and the density of them is different in various part of the bay.

According to what Laura told me, the algae should be less present near the ocean than inside the bay. The visibility/transparency should therefore be much better approaching the ocean.

I hope everything is gonna be fine. We already found a Secchi Disk to use, and test tubes to collect water. Hope we're gonna be able to use the 'light intensity-measuring-device": according to Mark, there are many people who need it.

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